I am very glad to announce Magnificent Click Contest 2009, launching on Feb 20 2009 and goes on till March 15 2009. The round up of the contest will be posted on March 20 2009. First three best entries will win an award.
Participation in the contest includes very simple steps, Here they go:
1. Post the best Pic you hav ever clicked in your blog with the link to this contest.
2. The Pic should be related to Food and Drink (or) related to Your kitchen.
3. The post should be published within the contest dates Feb 20 2009 - Mar 15 2009
4. Mail the details to - gemsbloggie@gmail.com. The details to be mailed are:
Subject of the email should be - MCC 2009
- Link to your posting in the blog - [URL to be specified]
- Picture Courtesy by - [Name of the Person, who clicked the pic]
- Blog URL -
- Blog Name -
- Tip to be a best photographer -[Optional]
- Attached the picture in the email - [Max size allowed is 300 x 300]
Muliple entries from single blog is allowed, so keep clicking and shoot an email. Pictures copied from wallpapers or by searching internet will not be encouraged. Feel free to leave your comment.
Wishing you good luck :) Enjoy the participation @ Just Urs!!!
Oooh, interesting... think am gonna give this a shot!! :)
Lovely blog u have here!!:)
Count me in..My wishes for the events Success!
Aarthi and Lavi you are most welcome for the participation, Good luck :)
intresting event..Best of luck..
thanks neha
Thanks for the invite.. Will surely join!
I will try G, I don't have a very good camera but I will try! :))
Wonderful event,Thanks for inviting.Will surely send my entry :)
Thank you for the invitation..
Hello Gayathri, Ok.. I will try to give it a click... :)
thanks for visiting my blog..i will try to give it a shot (pun intented!!) im not very good at photography...but let me try..
Hi Gayathri, Thanks for the coment and mail. Here i go with the link http://simplysara07.blogspot.com/2009/02/semia-upma.html also wanted to know is it only i have to post the photograph or recipe also. pls let me know. thanks.
Thanx for inviting me for this competition. I appreciate it and I am really excited.Looking forward to participating.
hey i will try to send something but i am not that good in photography..but will give it a shot
Preety,smitha,super chef will be great to receive entries from you all
Dear sara, received your lovely entry thanks
hi. thank you for inviting me. am wondering how many entries per blog are allowed.
Dear Gayathri, thank u:-)
Thanx for informing me Gayatri, I will send you an entry. Just wondering, is an earlier Click event entry eligible for this ??
Maya, you are welcome to post any earlier entry, just edit it my adding the link to this post and send out an email as per directed. thank you
Thanks for welcoming me and will send u a entry
Hey gayathri,
Just have some doubts. I have taken various pics(in different angles) for every recipe post, but due to space constraint I have posted only 2-3 pics on my blogpage.I Would like to know, whether I have to send only the same pics which are posted on my blog or can I send different angle shots of the same photo?( I hope I have made my question clear to you.)
Secondly, I would like for you to clarify another doubt too. Are snaps for posts made between feb-20 and mar-15 only eligible for this competition?
How many pictures can we send per recipe post?
How much is the maximum photos that we can send?
Have doubts because I don't wanna break any rules:)
>> Smitha,
Thank you for taking time to get things clarified, i appreciate that :)
1) You can send any pics related to that recipe which you have posted with the back link to MCC contest - Its ok if it is not posted in your blog
2) I am restricting just one photo for recipe, coz it might be boring during the round up seeing the same recipe photos again and again
3) You can send earlier post photos, but it is required to edit your earlier post with back link to MCC contest
Hope i clarified your queries, if not feel free to comment again :)
Thanx for the quick reply. I'm new to blogging and my blog is just a month old. Moreover, this is the first time I'm being invited for soemthing like this and it makes me feel so speical:) so forgive my questioning. Just one more doubt before you ban me from your site;)Will the following sentence be enough as a backlink.
"I'm sending this pic for the magnificient click contest conducted my gayathri at http://justurs.blogspot.com/2009/02/magnificent-click-contest-2009.html".
Is that the right way to do it?
Hi Gayatri,
Thanks for your invite. I will def post my recipies. You have a wonderful blog.
yeah that would be the rite way to post the entry..
you are so sweet, i will never even think of banning you dear...
Hey dear, thanks for the comment in my blog and also for the invite. Since old posts are allowed I sure will participate....glad to find you blog :-)
Hey gayathri,
Did you recieve 2 of my entries? Please let me know if the size of the snaps and the info provided were correct.
Hey gayathri,
Did you recieve 2 of my entries? Please let me know if the size of the snaps and the info provided were correct.
Lovely contest gayathri..! Will participate for sure..!
Hi Gayathri, this is a good contest. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
One question, how many pictures can we send in? As many as we like or only one? The rules say "best pic ever clicked" so just making sure. :)
This sounds like a great contest for someone who is constantly trying to improve her food photography! I'm new to your blog - came across it through Swapna Pravin's blog. But I'm really glad I found you! This contest has got me all excited!
>> thanks munegam i thought this will be a learning phase for budding bloggers like me..
Though i do simple blogging...I dont have best pic of my food,yet i can send my strawberry cheese cake photo...thank u...
Though i do simple blogging...I dont have best pic of my food,yet i can send my strawberry cheese cake photo...thank u...
Hi Gayathri..
Congrats to u both for ur first AWARD...
Thanks for inviting me for this beautiful event..... will sure participate... I hv one Q
a) How many pics can I send u ?
Hi Gayathri... Great event and I've sent my contributions as well. Good luck! :)
I just dropped in my entry to this magnificent entry...
Gayathri, I just sent my entry for ur event. Hope you received it.
I just sent you mail with the entries. Check it out dear.
Hi Gayatri!
i just send my entries for MCC 2009. just Check them out.
Hi Gayathri, just want to tell you that I've just sent you my entries.
Thank you.
Just 2 monutes late. Its already 16th march and i think the contest s over..:(....that was a lovely one...
>> Thank you everyone for participating, will post the roundup on 20-march-2009
wanted to participate. but because of the shifting missed it. let me know the next time you host an event. hopefully I should be able to participate then
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